My EBooks will soon be available in Paperback


Hi there,

I’m excited to say that my first six books will soon be available to buy in paperback. I have been working really hard on producing them so for all those of you who like to read an actual book then here is your chance to read  buy one. Fingers crossed, they will be on Amazon by November. I am still working on producing new and future ebooks but I will also be publishing them in paperback shortly after.

A list of book titles due for publication in paperback are below:-

Follow The Heart (Hyperion Series)

The Emerald Thief (Hyperion Series)

The Jade Pendant (Hyperion Series)

Cugar’s Search (Oberon Series)

Spirits Of The Medicine Drum (Hyperion Series)

Where Destiny Leads (Oberon Series)


Take Care, Milly XX