Book Eight Published

Crystal of the Seven Mists



Hi there, this is the Eighth Ebook in my new series. It’s called Crystal Of The Seven Mists and can be purchased using the Amazon link below.

My new book, Crystal Of The Seven Mists has just been published on Amazon. In this story Princess Shamone unwittingly finds herself in a race to align a sacred crystal to its new guardian, trouble is some new adversaries have other ideas. Has she finally met her match or will she succeed even when fate conspires to scupper her plans at ever turn.

To read an excerpt you can press the Excerpt Chapter Link. To read more about the book you can press Crystal Of The Seven Mists Link. I hope you enjoy reading it.


Book Description

It was simple, Princess Shamone would visit Count and Countess Corvus in Vicarra, spend a few days with her parents whilst being entertained by their hosts and then return back to Greytor Castle in the Kingdom of Hyperion. Wrong.

True to form, Princess Shamone made a simple decision to take a shopping trip into Vicarra but she unwittingly becomes embroiled in a plot to keep the Crystal of the Seven Mists in the hands of its true guardian.

It should have been an easy task but Lord Lamont and his friend Korbin had other ideas. They would steal the crystal at any cost and as tragedy strikes, Shamone vows to help align the crystal to its true guardian before anyone can steal or corrupt its power.

[button link=”” color=”” size=”” target=”_blank” title=”” gradient_colors=”” gradient_hover_colors=”” border_width=”4px” border_color=”#ffffff” text_color=”#ffffff” shadow=”yes” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”” animation_speed=””] Chapter Excerpt [/button]


Now Available In Amazon’s Kindle Store

Price £1.99 Kindle